We have Australia covered
AMSTIME-MINDER has agents throughout Australia. Every agent has expert knowledge of our time and attendance systems and the backing of helpdesk and software developers at AMSTIME-MINDER head office. AMSTIME-MINDER will meet your time and attendance needs.
Your local agent has the information you need about AMSTIME-MINDER products and can recommend the most suitable system for your business or organisation based on vast client experience.
Phone for your free on-site demonstration
AMSTIME-MINDER provides free on-site demonstrations in most major metropolitan areas, and many other regions besides.
Agents will install all hardware and software and provide on-going service and support — backed up by AMSTIME-MINDER's national help-desk.
Sales Enquiries
Click here to send a sales enquiry now.AMSTIME-MINDER offers personalised sales and support throughout Australia. Follow this link for MORE
Client support and latest updates
Click here for contact details and the latest downloads. Please contact HelpDesk before updating your software. |